The Mistress of the House Ch. 06

The cleaning was agonizing, her insides full to bursting, the toys pushed into Hannah sending the occasional low thrum through her body, Miss Coerator obviously still somewhere within range. There wasn't anywhere she could go, and there was (of course) a camera watching her, mounted on an electronic swivel. As Hannah approached, it twisted around, obviously manually controlled, Miss Coerator probably taking her pleasure somewhere.

The thought of that body stretched out, casually playing with herself, probably with Hannah's toys, added even more warmth to her crotch. She'd like to see that woman stretched out on a rack, her firm breasts lashed and whipped! Maybe then she wouldn't be so calm and controlled all the time! A strong buzz started in Hannah's pussy, making her quiver, feeling fluid drip down her thighs, an intense blush of crimson shame coming over her face.

She had, at least, managed to make some impact, one of the wooden wall panels now restored to something close to "clean", gleaming wood having emerged from beneath the caked-on grime. If she kept locking her maids into gags and chastity belts, no wonder she couldn't keep any staff! At least there didn't seem to be any sign of a butler, or any footmen, to molest her, although someone was cooking the food.

As she scrubbed away, more thoughts of Miss Coerator came to mind - locking her into a cage and teasing her body, making her scream and moan. What would she sound like through a gag? She probably wouldn't be so commanding then! That beautiful voice, broken and pleading, begging mumbled words through a fat ballgag forced between lush lips... Hannah managed to lose herself in the fantasy for a moment, before her anal intruder jerked her out, testing a few times, still going strong.

There were no clocks in here, so it was impossible to tell how long she'd been working, but it felt like forever. Her arms, already sore, were now exhausted from dragging the ball around as well, aching from having had to lift it up to fully clean the panel, bracing it against her legs.

A sudden waft of perfume was all the warning she had, before nails were suddenly scratching down her back, making Hannah mewl into her gag, metal bulb still pinning her tongue into place. How had the woman managed to get so close without making a sound? Did this place have secret doors and passages, or had she been so absorbed in cleaning she hadn't noticed?

Miss Coerator's face must have been right next to Hannah's ear, those red lips whispering breathily to her, one hand on each of Hannah's shoulders. 'Very good, my dear! You see what can be done when you apply yourself to your task, without getting distracted?'

The wood was shiny enough that Hannah could see a vague reflection of Miss Coerator in it, clad in red again.

'Although you do seem to have made a little bit of a mess. Do clean it up, please.' She dropped a cleaning rag onto the floor, Hannah sinking to her knees and wiping at a small pool of moisture, almost bumping into Miss Coerator's red boots. It was almost a relief to be in this position, sparing some of the pressure inside her.

'Now then, maid, I hope perhaps you have realized the error of your ways? You show such promise, I would hate to have to punish you too much.'

Hannah kept wiping the floor, nodding her head, desperately hoping she would be allowed somewhere to empty the liquid still sloshing around inside of her. At this point, even a quiet corner in the gardens would do, before she burst! Miss Coerator's foot tapped on the floor, next to another spot of liquid, and Hannah moved to wipe that up, Miss Coerator withdrawing slightly to give her space. As she dabbed at the liquid, she felt a sudden pressure on her head, Miss Coerator's heel pushing down against her head, forcing it further down. 'Do try and take more care in future, I wouldn't want to have to rub your nose in it.' The pressure of the heel increased, forcing Hannah's head further downwards, until her forehead hit a (mercifully-already-clean) part of the floor.

And then the pressure relented, letting Hannah finish cleaning, then slowly regain her feet. She had to keep her thighs desperately clamped together to prevent any further spillage, every breath reminding her of how stuffed she was. Miss Coerator smiled at her, holding a hand up with the leash. Hannah didn't have the strength to resist, tilting her head back and allowing the leash to be clipped into place.

'Very good, although you could do with being a little less... loose, shall we say, in the future. Perhaps I should make you work with Kegel balls inserted? But you have earned at least a little relief. Come.'

She tugged on the leash, giving Hannah little choice but follow, all her willpower focused on keeping herself from leaking as they moved. All she could do was take tiny steps, desperate for relief, hoping she was being taken to a bathroom. Instead, Miss Coerator took her to some patio doors, pushing them open, warm, sunny, air rushing in, heavy with the scent of wildflowers.

'You should be glad of some outside air, I would think. It can get awfully stuffy stuck inside all day, can it not?'

Hannah slumped against a wall, almost completely drained, trying to resist the urge to simply release herself. Instead she was pulled into a stone-flagged courtyard, with gardening tools stacked along the ivy-laden walls, several other windows and doors hidden behind choking greenery. That must have been the gardener's doing, wherever she was.

Miss Coerator produced a key and released the chastity belt before quickly stepping back. 'You may go. There, over the grille.'

Here? With Miss Coerator watching? Then she flicked her wrist, crop striking Hannah in the belly. Any shame was quickly forgotten, as Hannah squatted over the grille, raising her skirt and removing the toys, letting them drop to the floor. As soon as they were out, she relaxed, letting the stream flow, water tinkling against the metal grille. The relief was so intense her vision wavered for a moment, darkness threatening to overwhelm her.

A rush of cold water shoved her into wakefulness, as Miss Coerator stated to hose her down. She tried to keep her head turned away from the stream of water - with her mouth blocked, she didn't want to get any up her nose and drown or choke.

'Stand, then strip.'

Now she was empty, it was easier to move, and she obeyed, pulling the uniform off over her head, letting the chill water play over her body. Despite the coldness of the water, it felt good to be clean, able to wash some of the sweat off, and the scent of her own lust off her body. And having the toys finally removed felt amazing, her body finally free of the oversized intruders!

Hannah tried to ignore Miss Coerator's hungry look, the woman's eyes roaming over her in a predatory fashion. She was ordered to turn around, the cold water blasting against her back, washing her down fully, before the water was shut off.

'Now, my dear, I suppose you need to dry. And then I can find you some work for the afternoon. Consider this a well-earned lunchbreak. I would ask you to say "thank you", but I suppose that's a little beyond you at this point.' She held up the leash again, striding forward and clipping it onto Hannah's collar. The she pulled Hannah forward, towards a sundial, a metal point poking up from the stone surface. Miss Coerator bent her backwards over it, cuffing her wrists onto heavy rings around the base. The point of the sundial poked painfully into her back, making it impossible to properly rest.

She had to arch her back painfully so as not to be stabbed, the metal point scratching her skin, painful if she ever relaxed. Her head was upside-down, feet and wrists locked into position. Miss Coerator walked past, looking down at her, lightly resting a hand on her belly, tickling her skin.

'I wouldn't want you to get too comfortable, my dear. Spread like that you should dry quickly. And it's nice to have the chance to properly inspect you. Please stay still unless you wish me to use this.' She raised a multi-headed whip, lightly stroking the knotted leather cords over Hannah's belly. Hannah tried to protest, shaking her head, the metal locked over her mouth stilling her objections. She scraped her back against the point again, trying to move away from the pain.

'Shhh, shhh. You have such lovely skin, I would hate to see it unnecessarily marred.' Her fingers tickled and teased Hannah, somehow finding all her most sensitive places, making her shiver and strain more. 'You are showing promise, little maid, but there is still much room for improvement. I do hope you are enjoying the sunlight though - I assure you, it is far more comfortable here than in the dungeon.'

A finger traced down her belly, over the cleft of her navel, before skimming the very edge of her pussy, sending a thrill of anticipation through her.

'No piercings? Almost like having a pristine canvas to work upon. And you have certainly kept yourself in fine trim, my dear. I suppose all that time on your feet must work wonders.' The hands moved down her legs, kneading her muscles, feeling her strength. 'Very good. Now, I will leave you here to dry yourself out. Do rest as much as you can, there is more work for you to do afterwards.'

Her footsteps retreated, leaving Hannah shackled in place. She tried moving, as much as she could, but there was no position that was comfortable - it was impossible to lower her back without getting painfully poked by the sundial pointer, and the cuffs around her ankles were too short to let her move her feet more than a little. Being upside down made her breathing labored and lifting her head to look around strained her neck. As much as she could, she relaxed, trying to regain her strength for whatever Miss Coerator wanted her to clean afterwards. Unfortunately, it was impossible to relax much, and the strain of staying in position without stabbing herself made the muscles of her back burn, her chest straining for breath.

The discomfort and pressure quickly built up, and she lost track of time until Miss Coerator returned. By then, she was gasping for breath, the strain having spread from her back, across her shoulders and down to her hips and into her legs, every breath a fresh flare of pain. She made no attempt at secrecy, striding across the courtyard in her resplendently red leather clothing, looking down at Hannah with a pleased smile.

'I'm going to release you now. I do hope, for your sake, that there will be no unsightly struggling?'

Hannah shook her head, desperate for release from her back-breaking position. Miss Coerator unlocked her legs first, letting her shuffle into a slightly more comfortable position, before unlocking her hands as well. Hannah couldn't even muster the energy to lift herself, Miss Coerator having to gently tilt her up until she was standing.

'You should take better care of yourself, my dear. I would hate for you to come to harm.' She tapped a nail against the scratch-mark left by the pointer, making Hannah twitch in pain. 'But there is work for you to be about. Arms up.'

Her arms were like jelly, wobbling and shaking as she tried to obey, managing to at least get in a position where Miss Coerator could dress her again. She was in no position to resist, her arms and legs both shaking, still gulping in breath as the chastity belt was locked on again. She barely noticed as another dress was slipped over her body, this one of latex, although it wasn't until Miss Coerator started tweaking it and making it tighten around her body that she became aware of it. It wrapped and bound her body, although the skirt was short enough not to restrict her movement. It was very tight around her chest and upper body, pushing her breasts up and her waistline in, and then the mittens were locked on, crippling her hands again.

Something was suddenly pulled over her face and she was blinded for a moment before it was adjusted and there were glass panels in front of her eyes. Something resisted her breathing, forcing her to inhale and exhale with more effort. When she spoke, whatever was in front of her absorbed the sound, or Miss Coerator was just ignoring her.

'The gas mask may seem a little excessive, but I happened to have it lying around, and it does the job. Now, the next chamber is a little dusty, and I wouldn't want you to succumb to a coughing fit.' She fiddled with Hannah's hair and the gasmask straps, metal clicking as she locked it on before the leash was attached. 'Come, there is work to be done.'


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